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Prof. Fulvio C. Perini
1. How long, studying your method, will it take me to be able to develop a good
communication in English?
In order to answer this question, we need to take into account some factors:
1- Motivation
2- Discipline for daily practice
3- Baggage acquired through contact with the language (music, movies, etc.)
Therefore, no matter how good the method or the teacher, if the student does not have the motivation to learn, nor the discipline to make daily time available to practice the language, he will certainly not be “speaking English” within that certain period of time promised. by the course.
The fact of bringing a “baggage” of contact with the language is also, without a doubt, a factor that will greatly accelerate learning. For example, people who have the habit of translating songs and watching films with sound in English will have a much faster result than people who have not had this contact with the language. Conclusion: There is no magic formula for learning English.
However, if the student seeks to enhance each of the variables above, I can say that, using my method, a period of 1 year is quite reasonable for the student to reach what I usually call "Basic fluency in the language", that is, the student will already be able to communicate in English in the most diverse situations, being able to interact safely with people who are native speakers of the language.
Of course, full fluency in the language will take years of practice. I've had many students who managed to develop this “Basic Fluency” in a few months, others in longer. Regardless of the time, the differential of my course is that we do a personalized work, according to the capacity and reality of each student.

2. What are the advantages of a VIP class (individual) compared to traditional classes 136bad5cf58d_ in groups of 5 or more people?
The difference between our VIP class (personalized) and a conventional class in a class with 5, 10 or more students, is that the VIP class has an extremely superior performance, as it is 100% focused on the student.
To demonstrate this, let's do a basic mathematical calculation, dividing the number of minutes of weekly classes by the number of students in a standard classroom. For example, in a school that offers 3 hours of classes per week (180 minutes), in a class of 10 students, if we divide the class time by the number of students, we will see that each student had approximately 18 minutes of the teacher's attention that week!!!
Even so, these 18 minutes were not personalized, but shared by the whole class. In our program, even if the student takes one class a week, he will have 50 minutes of exclusive attention, where the teacher can carry out a truly personalized work, accompanying his evolution, working on your difficulties, correcting your deficiencies, perfecting your pronunciation and, most importantly, giving you confidence in language development, things that are really impractical in an environment with many students.
In addition to the time factor, the characteristic of our method, which is to focus on the development of sentence construction, makes the class very productive, because in class the student will practice, with the teacher, all the training exercises available on the website, which the even practiced during the week in his own residence.
Therefore, it is not just the class itself that will make the student evolve, but their daily dedication. It would be of no use, for example, a student taking 10 classes in a week and not being able to transform all the information received into a speech skill. Therefore, one VIP class per week, or even two, supplemented with daily practice, guarantees effective results far superior to those obtained in a class with many students.

3. Por que eu “travo” na hora de falar Inglês? Por que tenho tanta dificuldade em construir frases?
Quando alguém me faz esta pergunta costumo responder com outra pergunta: “Quantas vezes você treinou construir frases, no periodo em que estudou Inglês?” Normalmente a pessoa me responde que nunca ou muito raramente realizou tal treinamento.
Ora, é impossível desenvolver uma habilidade sem treinamento. A maioria dos métodos prioriza o estudo da gramática e não incentiva nem cobra o aluno a construir frases utilizando o conhecimento gramatical adquirido. É por isso que frequentemente recebo alunos que vêm estudando há anos e, no entanto, têm dificuldades para construir as frases mais simples.
Em meu método, o aluno treina a construção de frases desde a primeira aula e é instruído a praticar as ferramentas de “Treinamento de construção de frases” contidos em nosso material diariamente. A prática diária destes exercícios dará ao aluno uma habilidade de construção de frases em tempo bastante reduzido.
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